At the heart of economics is the study, science, and act of decision-making in the face of resource scarcity. The following fact pattern and data offer a challenging problem that will demand a decision requiring creativity, critical thought, hard calculations, and ultimately seemingly impossible trade-offs. After careful analysis, you must take a decision and defend it by using UNIT 1 concepts & principles.
In defending your decision you are required to advance 3 concepts &/or principles studied in UNIT 1 (i.e., see long list below) that support your conclusion.
Remember, M. Friedman advocated for the application of free market principles to the supply of education. Start by connecting the school closure data and 3 school profiles detailed in the Scenario below to the demand for education. How do you see the supply and demand for education being addressed by your decision?
HINTS → a possible starting point … ask yourself what is the purpose of public schools?
15 Externalities (Negative or Positive)
PART 1 → State your school closure decision (1 sentence in length).
PART 2 → State the Single Most Compelling Fact that underpins your school closure decision and explain why (4 sentences in length).
PART 3 → Defend your decision by using 3 concepts &/or principles studied in UNIT 1. You MUST directly reference scenario data in your justification (14 sentences per concept/principle). EXCEED EXPECTATIONS by directly referencing/quoting secondary source research in PART 3.
PART 4 → Pose a powerful follow-up question about one of the 4 concepts/principles used to support your decision. Your question should extend the reader’s thinking beyond what is discussed in the scenario itself and/or captured in the data provided. For example, what is missing from the information provided? What else needs to be considered? What spill-over effects or negative externalities must be considered. Etc. (1 sentence in length).
PART 5 → Provide a sample answer to your question (12 sentences in length).
Total Sentences → 60.
M. Bauer (ɔ) 2024